Wanted: Committed Intercessors (inquire above)

; Christian Articles | Wanted: Committed Intercessors (inquire above)

Wanted: Committed Intercessors (inquire above)

By: Glenn Washburn

If we were allowed to catch a glimpse of Jesus in heaven, I believe we would find Him praying. We know from God’s Word that Jesus intercedes on our behalf on a daily basis; not just Sunday's, but daily! Is that your routine?

The eternal purpose of God is to make us like Christ. We are never more like Him than when we pray. To become like Christ is to become an intercessor. In truth, we are not waiting on God...God is waiting on us! It is through intercession that our God moves. God intervenes when man intercedes. Could He move without us? Absolutely! That is, He certainly has the power. However, in His wisdom He has willed that it be through the prayers of His people that He will intervene. Through our prayers, God is able to act without violating human freedom. Intercessors are gateways for God.

Intercessors are partners with God in re-shaping the future. Indeed, the future belongs to the intercessors. Are we ready to meet this challenge? Can we be zealous in this? As zealous as new-agers or cultists or even secularists? Prayer is the on ramp to the purpose of God and the pathway to His power. A prayerless church cannot possess the power of heaven. It takes the zealous, passionate and persistent to move God. However, this is not because God is difficult to move or slow to compaaion. Rather, it is because only the zealous, passionate and persistent can be trusted to carry this precious load through a barren and unbelieving landscape to lay at the foot of His throne. Are you one of these foot-soldiers?

We must ask ourselves: where are the twenty-four hour prayer groups... where are the dedicated prayer rooms...where are the praying pastors?
This country, indeed the world, is badly in need of revival. But before there can be another “Great Awakening” there needs to be a prayer revival. God is calling men and women to join His army of prayer warriors. He wants to move with power through a people who can be trusted to wield that power for His glory and purpose. Does this describe you?

Our God is a prayer-answering God. And He always answers with exceedingly more than we could have hoped or believed. How can an invitation from such a God be refused? A comparable illustration would be:

We ask our father for an ice cream cone. Instead
He gives us an ice cream parlor. Now, not only do
we get our ice cream cone...but we can give ice
cream cones to everyone else..

Another perfect example is from my own life. It was a time when I was pleading with God to speak a word into my life...any word. I just wanted to hear His voice and calm my doubts. I desperately needed the encouragement. One day I was at a prayer meeting. It was towards the end when I noticed a woman I had never seen before. Her head was bent, her hands tightly clasped and she looked on the verge of tears. As I watched her I heard a voice speak to my heart: “Go give her a hug and tell her it’s from Me.” At first, I wasn’t sure of what I heard. I had this internal argument with myself: Was it from God or did I just have compassion for a woman who obviously was in distress? When the meeting finished I decided to just go for it. I walked up to her and said, “I hope you don’t think I’m crazy, but God wanted me to give you something.” Then I hugged her. She was shocked for a moment and then she started crying. She told me that she had had an abortion months earlier. Guilt had consumed her every day since. In desperation she had come to this prayer meeting on an invitation from a friend. Feeling lost and alone, for the entire prayer meeting she had been pleading with God to speak to her and answer one simple question: “Do You still love me?” When she had given up hope of hearing I had walked over and hugged her.

Such is the lavish nature of our prayer-answering God. In answering my prayer, He had answered hers. And in the process, encouraged every person in that room. He calls us to partner with Him in this glorious ministry. The question is: will you answer the call. The job is yours for the asking. I believe that revival is only one prayer meeting away. Maybe even the one you were debating with yourself about attending.

Before I go let me ask you a question. How do you think Jesus was able to accomplish everything He accomplished? Was it because He was God? I believe that when Jesus decided to come to earth as a human He also decided to cloth Himself in all that that decision entailed. That would mean that He also clothed Himself in the limitations of being human. And if that's true than there was only one way He could have performed the miracles He performed...the Father performed them through Him. I believe that that is what He meant when He told His disciples (and through them, us) "You will perform greater deeds than these." He was not bogged down by earthly things, He had no relationship with the world because He was totally surrendered to a relationship with the Father. And He told us through words and deeds that if we would severe our relationship with the world and surrender completely to the Father, we too could be used in this same mighty and miraculous way. So, what do you say? The ice cream parlor's open... what'll ll it be?
One scoop or two!

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